Lets start by first understanding this syndrome.Ectodermal dysplasias (ED) are a group of disorders in which two or more of the ectodermally derived structures — the skin, sweat glands, hair, nails, teeth and mucous membranes — develop abnormally. Each person with an ectodermal dysplasia may have a different combination of defects.

Depending on which genes are affected, other symptoms may include:

Abnormal nails.

Abnormal or missing teeth, or fewer than normal number of teeth.

Cleft lip.

Decreased skin color (pigment)

Large forehead.

Low nasal bridge.

Thin, sparse hair.

Learning disabilities.

What is ectodermal dysplasia caused by?

Ectodermal dysplasias are genetic disorders, which means that they can be passed on from affected people to their children. They are caused by mutations in various genes ; the mutations may be inherited from a parent, or normal genes may become mutated at the time of egg or sperm formation, or after fertilization.

Can ectodermal dysplasia be cured?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for ectodermal dysplasia. Instead, the goal is to successfully manage the symptoms so that the individual can lead a healthy life and have a good quality of life. Because the symptoms vary depending on the type of ectodermal dysplasia, the treatment plan will vary with each person too

How common is ectodermal dysplasia?

Frequency. Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia is the most common form of ectodermal dysplasia. It is estimated to occur in 1 in 20,000 newborns worldwide.

How is ectodermal dysplasia diagnosed?

Once a doctor suspects a certain type of ectodermal dysplasia, he or she may request a genetic test to confirm the diagnosis. The request is specific, asking the appropriate laboratory to test for a specific gene. If the changed form of the gene is present, the suspicion is confirmed, and diagnosis is certain.

Now, Lets talk about our little patient.

This child, Amit (name changed due to privacy) is approximately 9 years old. He is completely edentulous.

He has been a denture wearer since he was 4years. Every few years the dentures need to be replaced as patient overgrows them and to also allow jaw growth. He requires dentures as he goes to a regular school and is socially active. It increases his self esteem and emotional well being.

So the various steps for complete denture were carried out starting from impressions, jaw relation, teeth setting trial and finally denture delivery.  Edge to edge teeth setting was done as child has a tendancy for forward positioning of the mandible (Class III). 

Patient has been advised to change the dentures every 2 years to allow proper growth and development of his jaw bones. As of now he has very poorly developed ridges. We will be planning his full mouth implant surgery once he is above 18 years.

Amit was happy with his new set of dentures and smiles from ear to ear. We, at Crown Corner, are honoured to have the opportunity to serve him!

(Attached are his pictures pre and post dentures)

In Candid Conversation With Ent Specialist & Relation Between Ent Issues and Crowded Teeth.

Please enjoy this sweet video on ”Lockdown look with fancy masks” on YouTube. It is a medley of pictures from all corners of the globe!

Dear Friends,

There is a strong correlation of ENT issues and crooked teeth. For example, if the child is mouthbreathing and has enlarged adenoids or tonsils, there are sure shot chances that the teeth will be crooked/ malaligned and the jaws will not grow correctly. Also a persons immunity is compromised if he/ she mouth breathes as the inherent immunity due to air passing through the nostrils is hampered. Nasal passages are bypassed and viruses get entry into the throat which is a direct passage to the lungs.

I have prepared this questionnaire of frequently asked questions  and the ENT Specialist at INHS Asvini Hospital, Dr. Amey Kothekar has been kind enough to answer them for us.

Q1. When should I see ENT specialist for my child?

A1. Child having cough/cold/fever should be first screened by Designated COVID center (screened doesn’t always mean tested). After clearance from COVID center child can have consultation ( point not to forget that simple cough cold and fever can be managed at home, don’t unnecessary expose your child the risk of contacting COVID).

Child with ear pain without history of cold and cough can consult ENT surgeon.

Child suspected to have foreign body in ear /nose throat should consult ENT surgeon As soon as possible. Level of urgency in decreasing order of frequency Throat ( including wind pipe and Food pipe) followed by Nose followed by Ear. ( inorganic non irritant foreign body like plastic bead in ear can be removed at a later instance.

Q2. On what basis is it decided to go for adenoidectomy/ tonsillectomy?

A2. Recurrent Throat infection with bad breath causing multiple hospital visit and subsequent missing  school for significant days is an indication for tonsillectomy. Child having frequent mouth breathing  and snoring in night during sleep is an indication for adenoidectomy. Generally tonsil and adenoid problem go hand in hand. Adenoidectomy ( adenoid removal) and tonsillectomy ( tonsil removal) can be clubbed in one sitting and both the surgeries are done via mouth with no external scars.

Q3. What are adenoids?

A3. Adenoid is protective immune (lymphoid) tissue just behind the nose and below the center of brain not visualized by naked eyes unless some mirror or endoscope is used. It is meant to protect the child from pathogens which entering through each breath. More common in children and tend to regress (get smaller and smaller) by the age of 12 years. And may completely disappear in adults.

Q4. Why are adenoids enlarged so often nowadays?

A4. Recurrent infections especially cough/cold AND allergy is one of the most common cause. Nowadays due to increased awareness and better diagnostic modalities, Adenoid are commonly found.  Why adenoids are getting enlarged now a days is a misnomer.

Q5. Why do kids get ear infections? How do you treat them?

A5. Children have a smaller and slightly straight Eustachian Tube ( Tube which connects middle ear; which is behind the ear drum, and nose. This tube helps in equalizing middle ear pressure with atmospheric pressure) The peculiar anatomy of Eustachian tube in children makes them prone to ear infections. Ear infections are treated by ear cleaning ( by ENT surgeon and not by self cleansing) antibiotic &/or antifungal ear drops.

Q6. Treatment for sinusitis? 

A6. Treatments for sinusitis range from medicines to Sinus surgery. However the predisposing cause for sinusitis like allergy/ deviated nasal septum/blocked sinus opening/ nasal polyp needs to be addressed.

Q7. Do you see any correlation between adenoids, tonsils and teeth malocclusions?

A7. Yes. Child having enlarged adenoid get habituated to mouth breathing and can have protruding incisor and over crowding of teeth and subsequent malocclusion. Tonsillitis patients many a times have bad breath.

Q8. How important is it to breathe from the nose?

A8. Our body especially lungs are designed in such a way that we must breath from nose. Breath from nose is having appropriate temperature and humidity required by lungs due to the intrinsic mechanism of nose and sinuses. Breath from mouth lacks such characteristics and hence has a bad effect in lungs.

Q9. Any advice in these covid-19 times for the general public?

A9. Avoid unnecessarily going  out, maintain social distancing, cover your nose and mouth by mask if you are going out. At home cover your mouth and nose with a hankerchief during sneezing and coughing. Wash your hands and feet after coming from outside with soap ans water. If you develop cough/cold/fever/ breathing difficulty report to your designated COVID center. Get information only from authentic sources. Don’t spread and don’t believe in rumors. Don’t self medicate. Follow the timely instructions given by the govt/health care authorities. Don’t get unnecessarily panicked by COVID 19. Stay cheerful stay healthy.

Hope this information was useful to you dear readers. Please feel free to share the information to as many people so we can help more people and especially children!

Covid 19: Pediatric Health During and After the Pandemic

Hi friends,

My colleagues in La Sapienza University of Italy have shared their point of view on pediatric health during and after the pandemic in this article which is a preprint. It hasn’t been published yet but can be used by us to educate our patients.

The authors are: Valeria Luzzi, Gaetano Ierardo, Maurizio Bossù and Antonella Polimeni and I have taken the kind permission of Dr. Valeria Luzzi before putting it out.

The main points of the article are as follows:

1. Prevention of oral health in children represents the gold  standard  towards  which  health professionals specialized in pediatric dentistry should always be oriented.

2. Not  only  are  rigorous and  highly  effective  infection  control  protocols urgently  needed  in  the  dental environments  of  the  regions  affected  by  COVID-19,  but  it  is  also essential to work on  remote communication and education aimed at maintaining the oral health of children.

3. Rigorous brushing, cleaning, flossing to be employed by parents and care givers along with a diet rich with fruits and vegetables. Free sugars to be kept to a minimum. Soft drinks to be avoided.

4. Early Childhood Caries prevention  is  of  fundamental  importance  and  requires  the  interruption  of  incorrect dietary habits such  as  the  habit of bottle feeds at night, pacifiers dipped in honey or sugar.

5. Since children are going to be home all day jumping around, parental supervision is necessary and maybe a sportsguard can be advised.

6. Dental management: to be carried out remotely.

a.     Deciduous or permanent teeth affected by previous carious lesions and treated with temporary dressings:   in   this   case   if   the   dressings   were   to   decement   from   the   prepared   cavity,   it   is recommended   to   keep   the   cavity  always   free  of   food   debris  through   careful   removal   with mechanical brushing after meals to prevent the onset of painful symptoms. It is also recommended to avoid too hot or too cold foods that could trigger the onset of painful symptoms if the original treatment involved the removal of carious dentin-enamel tissue.

b.     If  the  dressing  concerns  an  endodontically or root canal treated  deciduous  or  permanent  tooth  and  the spontaneous  removal of  the  dressing  paste  occurs,  home  treatment  may  involve  washing  the   endodontic  cavity  with  water  diluted  with  hydrogen  peroxide  by  means  of  a  special  syringe without a needle, followed by application of a cotton pellet during the child’s meals.

c. Chronic  periapical  periodontitis  can  occur  with  dental  pain  when  chewing.  For  temporary control of symptoms, antibiotic therapy with amoxicillin or cephalosporin and pain relievers such as paracetamol are   recommended,   which   are   adjuvants   to   temporarily   relieve   symptoms   and postpone dental treatment.

d. Delays of deciduous teeth exfoliation with their persistence in the arch, in conjunction with the simultaneous eruption of the corresponding permanent tooth are quite common occurrences. In this case, parents should be advised to encourage the child to chew hard consistency foods such as raw fruit and vegetables, that can stimulate the loss of the deciduous tooth by mechanically inducing its complete removal from the alveolar support.

e. Eruptive gingivitis of the permanent first molar is an additional clinical condition, which can be managed during this period. It manifests itself with swelling, edema and redness of the gum distal to or behind the erupting first permanent molar. This condition affects school-aged children, on an average between 6 and 7 years. The advice for parents is to use cleaning swabs that help the   removal   of   food   debris   in   the   gingival   bag   between   tooth   and   gum,   by   rinsing   with anti-inflammatory  mouthwashes alternating  during  the  day  with  local  chlorhexidine  antiseptic sprays, in order to reduce the inflammatory state and the painful symptoms.

f.     Malocclusions associated with crowding of teeth and with overjet and overbite alterations do not represent an emergency. Parents must be instructed to postpone the correction to the end  of the  epidemic. In case of increased  overjet, a condition most  frequently associated  with the  risk  of  fractures  affecting  the  upper  incisors,  it  is possible to  recommend  the  use  of  standard mouthguards, easily available in the pharmacy.

7. Management of children undergoing orthodontic treatment:

If  the  child  is  using  a  removable  orthodontic  appliance,  the  first  indication  to  the  parents  is linked  to  the  correct  hand  hygiene  measures  before  inserting  the  device  into  the  oral  cavity. This  fact  also  underlines  the importance  of  a  correct hygiene  associated  with  the  management  of  orthodontic  devices,  which must be carefully sanitized before each use and stored in the appropriate box after use. If removable plates are used, a broken retention hook, such as the Adams hook that normally fits on  the  first  permanent  molar,  is  a  not unusual occurrence.  In  this  case,  if  the  entire hook breaks from  the  resin  section of the  appliance,  the  child  can  continue  to  wear  the  device  as long as the retention is preserved. Alternatively or in case of doubt, it is advisable to limit the use of the  device  during the  daytime  hours  only,  always  under  parental  supervision,  postponing  the repair of the device at the end of the epidemic.

For fixed orthodontic devices cemented on the palatal arch, such as the rapid palatal expander, it   is   recommended   to   temporarily   suspend   the   activations   in   order   to   avoid   carrying   out incongruous  maneuvers that  can  facilitate  the  detachment  of  the  device  from  the  dental  surfaces. Given  the  current  epidemic, it  should  be  forcefully  reiterated  to  the  parents  that  the  child  must avoid  eating  viscous  foods,  such  as  caramel  or  chewing  gum,  or  hard  foods  that  can  favor  the partial detachment of the device, thus triggering an emergency situation that requires an immediate intervention by the pediatric orthodontist. In  the  case  of  fixed  multi-bracket  therapy,  the  arch  may  slide  and  move  distally  to  the cemented tube on the molars. In this case, especially when light NiTi wires are in use, if the child reports  a  feeling  of  discomfort and  puncture  on  the  gum,  it  is  possible  to  advise  the  parent  to manually  reposition  the  arch  by  sliding  it  towards  the  teeth  most  mesial  to  the  molar  using  the fingertips of thumb and index. If a bracket decements from the dental surface and rotates by 180°

with  respect to  the  tooth  while remaining  tied  to  the  arch,  the  parent  can  reposition  it manually, postponing the re-cementation to the end of the epidemic.

8. Management of oro dental pathologies that represent an emergency: Many  pediatric  dental  emergencies  require  immediate  treatment  even  during  the  COVID-19 outbreak.  Among  these, we  can  list,  e.g.,  acute  pulpitis,  acute  apical  periodontitis,  dental  trauma and maxillofacial trauma. The management of all pediatric dental emergencies during the epidemic must take place by adopting  protective  measures for  healthcare  personnel  and  for  the  young  patient  in  accordance with   the   recommendations   and   guidelines  related   to   the   use   of   effective   protocols   for   the prevention and control of infections which are set in the country.

9. Personal protective measures for the pediatric dentist. Since  the  main  route  of  transmission  of  COVID-19  is  through  airborne  droplets,  during  the epidemic  period,  additional  protective  measures  with  personal  protective  equipment  (PPE)  are recommended  for the  pediatric dentist and  other  healthcare  professionals. These include:  surgical mask, face shields, protective goggles, gloves, medical cap, and protective suits.

The  child  should  be accompanied by a minimum number of people. In addition to measuring the temperature,medical protective masks should be provided to patients and their carers.

10. Hand hygiene:

A Chinese study recommends the “two before and three after” technique as a standard  hand  hygiene  procedure, emphasizing  that  oral  professionals  should  wash  their  hands before examining  the  patient,  before  dental  procedures,  after  direct contact with  the  patient,  after touching  the  environment  without  previous  disinfection,  and  after  touching  the  patient’s  oral mucosa and skin or coming into contact with saliva and oral fluids.

Recent studies indicate that chlorhexidine, the most commonly used mouthwash in dental studies, is not effective  against the SARS-CoV-2virus.

11. Recommendations for treatment.

a. Get parents to leave the operating room.

b. Use four-handed dentistry techniques.

c.  Use  a  high  volume  aspirator/ suction  to  minimize  droplets  and  aerosol  during  high-speed  turbine operation.

d. Isolate the operating field with the rubber dam in order to  minimize the production of aerosols contaminated with blood and saliva, especially during the treatment of the pulpits.

e. Use high-speed turbines with anti-retraction valve, which significantly reduces the return flow of oral bacteria.

f. Treatment rooms, surfaces to be adequately disinfected.


The  end  of  the  pandemic  will  have  to  mark  the  beginning  of  new  methods  of  approach  and management  in  pediatric dentistry.  The  smart  technological  systems,  that  during  the  pandemic period blossomed to become the most powerful remote communication tool, could be of great help as standard projection tool for educational material on oral health in children, especially in school age, who  are  treated  in  outpatient  clinics,  boosting  and  strengthening  the  approach  in  pediatric dentistry  and  the  children’s  motivation for  oral  health.  On  the  other  hand,  the  specialists  in pediatric  dentistry  will  have  matured  and  strengthened  their  dedication  to  the  practice  of  this medical  specialty in  the  post-pandemic  period,  not  only  by  improving  and  modernizing  the pediatric approach techniques, but also by proposing new models of treatment that may include the use of remote controls through special platforms,  with practical  guides dedicated  to parents, in order  to monitor and  preserve  the  great  heritage  of  general  health,  of  which  oral  health  is  an  important component.



Nose Breathing Versus Mouth Breathing

Our bodies are designed to naturally breathe through the nose and yet so many children as well as adults today breathe from their mouth.

Why should we breathe from the nose? 

Nose breathing filters the air that we breathe so we are less prone to infections and end up breathing better quality of air. Nose breathing improves circulation, blood oxygen and improves lung volume.It helps in maintaining body temperature. Breathing through the nose also limits air intake and forces one to SLOW down. Proper nose breathing reduces hypertension and stress for most people and improves brain function.Now coming to mouth breathing. Bacteria gain a free entry into our bodies if we breathe from the mouth. We are thus more prone to diseases and infections. Oxygenation to lungs, heart and brain is reduced. It further leads to sleep apnea and snoring. Sleep apnea is the new silent killer and it can be avoided. Mouth breathing also affects the face creating a long face syndrome and dark under eyes.

So, in conclusion, mouth breathing leads to a lot of health problems in the long run and should be avoided.

How to start breathing from the nose? 

1. Consciousness and change of habit.

2. Habit breakers, Lip training and myobrace appliances.

3. Nose surgeries. But we have observed that just doing nose surgery does not make the patient breathe from the nose. Patient still needs to actively practice nasal breathing.

The shape of your teeth determines your personality: Visagism

This is a new concept being used in dentistry for designing smiles for patients to give them the best look possible. The look well suited to their personality type.
Hippocrates has been given the credit for describing the 4 basic traits in people:
-calm and peaceful
Of these 4 traits usually 1 or 2 dominate.
Strong: This type of person has a rectangular face formed by well defined angles. They have strong leadership qualities, decisiveness, daring and fearlessnes.
Dynamic: This person has angular face. This individual is an active and communicative extrovert.
Sensitive: Oval face with features that are rounded.
Calm and Peaceful: This type of gentle, discreet and diplomatic.
Shape of the teeth corresponding to the personality type is shown in the attached picture.
Thus, The Visagism concept helps dental clinicians provide restorations that account not only for esthetics, but also for the psychosocial features of the created image, which affect patients’ emotions, sense of identity, behavior, and self-esteem.



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Three out of four children have crooked teeth and incorrectly developing jaws. As parents, we can notice our child’s crooked teeth from an early age, sometimes as young as three. The professional advice has been to wait until all the permanent teeth have come through all the permanent teeth have come through only to have some of those healthy teeth extracted and braces fitted. While effective in the short term, this approach can often result in the teeth crowding up again as it does not address the root causes. There is now a more natural way to achieve straight teeth and well developed jaws, by taking a preventative pre orthodontic approach to setting up your child for a life without braces.

A vast majority of today’s children have crooked teeth, but what if you could train your child to have a straighter smile, prevent crowded teeth; improve their jaw development, breathing and even sleep? Modern research has shown that crooked teeth are not genetic, rather a result of bad oral habits such as mouth breathing as well as incorrect tongue and swallowing habits, which begin in early childhood and prevent proper jaw development.

Myobrace treatment works by addressing the underlying causes affecting the dental and facial development by teaching children to correct their bad oral habits. Treatment involves wearing a series of removable appliances that are worn for 1-2 hours each day and overnight while sleeping. Daily use of the appliance is combined with a selection of breathing and mouth exercises known as the Myobrace Activities, which assist in stretching and strengthening the tongue, lips and cheek muscles. By starting early and allowing the jaws to grow as nature intended, the teeth are able to come in straight well before braces would typically be required.

To mark National Orthodontic Health Month in the USA, TV shows The Balancing Act airing on story for parents to learn more about this modern preventative pre-orthodontic approach. The TV segment (now available at myobrace. Com) shows how pre –orthodontic treatment is performed at USA’s newest Myobrace Pre-Orthodontic Centre in Clifton, New Jersey, and is a real eye-opener for parents concerned about their child’s dental and facial development.

In the last few decades, dental practitioners have seen a rapid increase in crooked teeth and improper jaw development. The most common early sign to look for in your child is an open mouth posture, where during rest or sleep the child will have their lips apart. You might notice this while they are watching TV or on their mobile device. Restless sleep and snoring at night are also symptoms to watch out for. They can not only lead to developmental issues, but are also associated with sleep-related disorders, which can result in behavioural problems and learning difficulties in children.


Now used in over 100 countries worldwide, Myobrace treatment takes a proactive and modern preventative orthodontic approach and can offer long-term results by addressing the root of the problem. Myobrace offers lasting health benefits beyond just a straighter smile. It helps children breathe better and thereby get more healthy. It prevents sleep apnea in the future generation.

If you are interested in finding out more, the first step will be to evaluate your child, looking closely at poor oral habits as well as dental and facial development. Once the child has been assessed, a plan is developed and treatment can begin. If your child is showing symptoms like breathing with their mouth open or perhaps they are having restless sleep, Myobrace might just be the natural solution you’ve been looking for.

Contact Crown Corner at 02222040043/ 02222040045 to get your childs Myobrace evaluation done by Dr. Varsha Daryanani.

As A Parent, How Aware Are You With The Term Sports Dentistry?

Sportsguards 3

As parents we keep worrying about the extent of dental care our child would need. With the amount of candies children consume they are prone to cavities and tooth decay. But candies are not all that summarise childhood, after all – all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. We usually worry about their hygiene while they are out playing, all the while overlooking their dental care. They are most susceptible to scratches and bruises while playing. And as much as we would not like to think about it, oral or facial injuries while playing are also common. The treatment and prevention of such injuries is called sports dentistry.

It’s a recurring situation wherein children face dental injuries usually ranging from soft tissue damage to complete loss of a permanent tooth. This is why along with encouraging our child to maximise participation in games and sports we must simultaneously take preventive measures to limit dental injuries. Sports dentistry isn’t just reserved for adults and athletes but for children as well. To prevent such injuries sports dentistry has evolved and come up with a solution to wear a sports guard.

Sportsguards 2

Sportsguards 1

Sports guards are a device worn over the teeth during sports and recreational activities to avoid damage. Wearing a sports guard is an important precaution since it helps protect against chipped or broken teeth, and tooth loss. They also safeguard against serious injuries such as jaw fracture, concussion and neck injuries by helping to avoid situations where the lower jaw jams into the upper jaw. Sports guards also help prevent cutting and bruising of the lips, tongue and cheeks. Prevention is better than cure; therefore make a safe call for your child by opting for a device that cuts down on injuries that your child may be prone to due to sports.

There exist two types of sports guards, one – which is not custom made and one size fits all; and the second – which are custom made and fit better since they are made according to the child’s measurements. Also, your child can choose whichever colour they want so that they are more cooperative about wearing them. It is essential to consult the dentist to determine the sports guard that would be suitable for your child, since children have growing permanent teeth and some children have braces.

Children sportsSo don’t stress every time your child goes out to play, just head over to Crown Corner and get the right type of sports guard for your child. It will keep that smile you love to see intact as you let them continue to pursue their favourite sport.

Congratulations! Crown Corner


We are now one and a half year old! Crown corner has always found new ways to deal with the dental issues of patients. A trip to the dentist can be a scary event where you are lying on a chair in an unknown room filled with unfamiliar tools and objects and a stranger who is ready to poke a metallic instrument in your mouth. The stereotype of people that doctors cannot be friends has been changed by us as we have found various ways of interactions. Kids are the ones who are afraid of dental treatments and it is indeed a task to motivate them, so, we have come up with various events and camps that will make their next visit a very happy one.


Doctor for a day was an event held by us that included dental check-ups, quizzes, photo booth sessions and games, what a fun packed day it was! The kids got a chance to role-play the doctor and this also helped educate them about the importance of oral hygiene.  Celebrations have always been a part of Crown Corner and so, Easter egg hunt was an event with a celebration. It is difficult for parents to convince their kids to visit a doctor but not any longer when your kids have a play date with us, on a weekly basis for a special kind of activity.


Little guests keep visiting us, from various schools such as Casa Montessori, Headstart and many more for a field trip. It is essential that children attain the highest level of comfort before you can treat them. For this, it is very important that the pediatric clinic has a play area with the adequate amount of engaging toys. At times we even ask the kids to draw a picture of his or her mouth or a rotten tooth, this puts them at ease. Giving away goody bags, balloons and stickers after the treatment also works the best. This helps the children being receptive towards the concept of visiting the dentistscrown cornerOur Motto is to spread awareness about oral health among all, so we keep having sessions with parents and kids. Crown corner has successfully been a part of more than 15 socially responsible campaigns, 22 interactive events, nurtured more than 7000 smiles and distributed more than 10,000 brushes all over Bombay. Crown corner has come up with excellent ways to motivate the kids, as we believe in not just treating them but spreading beautiful smiles all over!

Coloured Filings For Children

Color in my Teeth

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Early treatment of carious lesions in deciduous teeth is necessary for the maintenance of oral health. One reason for this is that the kids who show little or very poor home-care compliance are also the ones who are afraid of dental treatments. It is indeed a very challenging task to motivate these little ones to receive an effective treatment all the while. But there’s one interesting way of motivating them by using bright-colored fillings. A special material from USA is now commercially available in India to make the Dentist’s life easier. When it comes to providing an incentive to those children who are less nervous and who simply refuse treatment on purpose, the deciding factor is the colored filling.

By allowing the young patient to choose the color of a restoration gives him or her an opportunit11046780_1634683723412431_6694007955019192594_ny to take part in the procedure that makes the nervous count of the child much lesser than the usual. In order to give the children a better idea of what a tooth with a colored filling looks like, and to make it easier for them to choose, a color palette would be available to them to pick their favourite shade. Some of the materials have glitters and sparkles as well, which means there’s a wide range of fillings to choose from.

Some advantages of this treatment are:

Boy at the dentist

  • Attractive colors available like pink, blue, green, orange etc
  • Quick and simple application
  • Very high acceptance by kids
  • Children lose their fear in the dentists’
  • Fluoride release against secondary decay
  • Excellent material properties

We at Crown Corner have come up with this brilliant way of as a valuable motivational tool in order to increase our little patient’s compliance for the dental treatments.

Teeth Whitening For Brides – YOUR SMILE IS YOUR BEST ORNAMENT!



Indian weddings are gorgeous! They are beautiful not only because of the decorations, rituals & ceremonies, families and the Indian culture; the main attraction of every wedding is the Bride! Every woman desires to look the best on the day of her marriage. Her grace and her smile is what make her look so magnificent! She’s like the star of the day. And there are a lot of other details that demand attention. Besides the clothes, jewellery and makeup, there is one thing that everyone will notice on your special day and that is your smile! Your smile is indeed your best ornament. A whiter, brighter smile can help you feel more confident and make a memorable impression on others.


Your wedding day is the only day when you will be smiling constantly. Your smile is something you’ll remember and your pictures will show forever. This is precisely why a beautiful smile with whiter teeth is so important for every bride. So all you pretty ladies, make sure that along with your grooming sessions that include pedicure and manicure, you do not miss out on enhancing your smile more only with Crown Corner.

Crown Corner gives you brilliant ways to make your smile merrier and brighter by 2 processes, the in-office approach and the do-it-yourself approach with over-the-counter products. The first process is a professional teeth whitening in a dental office is the preferred whitening method because even though strong agents are applied, the rest of the mouth, including the gums, is protected from these materials. The best whitening systems feature a buffer in the gel that protects the tooth enamel from damage. They are extremely effective and can transform teeth in a single visit to the clinic. Your teeth can literally brighten up to 10 shades in about an hour. At Crown Corner, we are also qualified to handle any issues that may arise from whitening treatments, such as tooth sensitivity. Today most tooth sensitivity cases are easily managed.


Teeth whitening can last for one or more years, depending on how well you take care of your teeth, and if you’re following up regularly with a home whitening product for regular maintenance or making regular visits to your dental clinic. While the second approach provides you with effective home teeth-whitening systems. Commercially available tooth whitening systems have also become popular, mainly because they’re relatively inexpensive and easy to use. There are a few over-the-counter tooth whitening methods that can be purchased without a dentist’s supervision as well. These are typically safe products, but give a limited amount of whitening.

SmilesOur Advice: While over-the-counter tooth whitening products are available, dentist-supervised tooth whitening remains the safest, most effective method for brightening your smile. The safest way to work out if your teeth are suitable for whitening is to see your dentist first. Dentists are the only people trained and qualified to make an accurate assessment of your teeth and gums.

So give your smile a beautiful makeover and make your man fall in love with you and your gorgeous smile!

 Perfect smile for a Bride!